Traffic: light change

Source code for images: code.wl
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\gdef \Vmax {V_\mathrm{max}} \gdef \Nmax {N_\mathrm{max}} \gdef \Fmax {F_\mathrm{max}}

Cars queued bumper-to-bumper wait at a red traffic light which turns green at t = 0. In symbols,

\eval{N}_{t = 0} = \begin{cases} \Nmax, & x < 0 \\ 0, & x > 0 \end{cases}.

What happens?


Animation for traffic light change


Dense region

First consider t = 0, x < 0, i.e. the left half of the x-axis, where the cars are initially waiting at maximum density. Here we have

\begin{aligned} N &= \Nmax \\ V &= 0 \\ \frac{\td F}{\td N} &= -\Vmax. \end{aligned}

Thus the characteristics are straight lines with slope -\Vmax, and so the left half of the x-axis extends into a lower-left triangular region ◣ with maximum density and zero speed:

N (x, t) = \begin{cases} \Nmax, & x < -\Vmax t \end{cases}

Empty region

Next consider t = 0, x > 0, i.e. the right half of the x-axis, which is initially empty. Here we have

\begin{aligned} N &= 0 \\ V &= \Vmax \\ \frac{\td F}{\td N} &= +\Vmax. \end{aligned}

Thus the characteristics are straight lines with slope +\Vmax, and so the right half of the x-axis extends into a lower-right triangular region ◢ with zero density and full speed:

N (x, t) = \begin{cases} 0, & x > +\Vmax t \end{cases}

Transition fan

\gdef \charac #1 {\colv{#1}} \gdef \xc {x_\mathrm{c}}

What about the remaining triangular region ▽ in the middle?

Well, we haven't yet looked at the origin t = 0, x = 0. There we have an instantaneous jump from maximum density to zero density, so we have

\begin{alignedat}{1} \Nmax &\ge N \ge 0 \\ 0 &\le V \le \Vmax \\ -\Vmax &\le \frac{\td F}{\td N} \le +\Vmax. \end{alignedat}

Thus we get a fan of characteristics emanating from the origin, with slopes running through all values from -\Vmax up to +\Vmax. In particular, the characteristic for a given density N is given by

\charac{ \xc (t) = \frac{\td F}{\td N} \cdot t = \Vmax \roundbr{1 - \frac{2 N}{\Nmax}} t }.

Therefore for the central triangular region ▽ we have

N (x, t) = \begin{cases} \dfrac{\Nmax}{2} \roundbr{1 - \dfrac{x}{\Vmax t}}, & -\Vmax t < x < +\Vmax t \end{cases}.



N (x, t) = \begin{cases} \Nmax, & x < -\Vmax t \\ \frac{\Nmax}{2} \roundbr{1 - \frac{x}{\Vmax t}}, & -\Vmax t < x < +\Vmax t \\ 0, & x > +\Vmax t \end{cases}


Animation for traffic light change (again)

The main results are:


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